Line Star Trek Federation Headquarters Line Ship Line Enterprise Viewer Lights
Transporter Sensor Sounds Phasers Photon Torpedo
Red Alert Sound Communicator Door Sound
Intercom Whistle
Transporter Sensor Sounds Phasers Photon Torpedo
Red Alert Sound Communicator Door Sound
Intercom Whistle

Kirk Kirk Kirk Kirk
Kirk Kirk Kirk Kirk
Spock Spock Spock Spock
Spock Spock Spock Spock
McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy
McCoy McCoy McCoy McCoy
Scotty Scotty Scotty Scotty
Sulu Sulu Chekov Chekov

Picard Picard Picard Picard
Riker Riker Riker Riker
Data Data Data Data
Dr.Crusher Worf Deanna Geordi

Ship Line
Paramount Pictures
Star Trek ®; Star Trek: The Next Generation ®; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ®; Star Trek: Voyager ®; and all other ensuing Star Trek ® related properties are exclusively the trademarks (™) and copyrights (©) of Paramount Pictures. No infringement is intended.